You must know this before studying in Canada!

In this video, we talk about some important things you need to know and figure out before coming to Canada and choosing your program of study here in Canada.

The first step is to figure out what long-term goal is in the next 2-5 or even 10 years:

What field do you want to work in?

Where in Canada do you want to live?

Where do you see yourself in Life?

I know these are some very big questions and hard to answer but you need at least some sort of guideline.

Remember that you will spend 1-3 years of your lifetime and 10K- 30K CAD in tuition fees alone by the time you're done. This is a big investment and therefore should not be a waste of time and money.

The second step is to take a look at the Canadian economy and job market in different regions, to find out if your desired field offers any work and how much money you will likely make. Of course, you can always move after studying, but you should have a rough idea of what you will be able to work in once you are done. A look at job postings will also tell you what education employers ask you to have.

Also, think about how the pandemic might change the job market in the future.

The third step is to pick your program.

The program you choose is basically just a tool to reach your goal. Yes, you might mainly want to study to get a post-graduation work permit (PGWP-make sure your school and program meets those requirements) and improve your chances to PR but even then your program choice can be important. It will play a big factor in your job opportunities, therefore your income and also your chances of immigration. Don’t just choose a program because it’s the cheapest and doesn’t require IELTS. Yes, those are some nice benefits but hey if you want to immigrate you need to take an IELTS test or similar eventually, there is no way around that. Lastly, you want to be happy and have a job and a life that you enjoy – your long-term goal.

I know this is a lot and very broad, but this is why I have my YouTube channel, my Website, and the Facebook group, to help you guys with the research and make it as helpful and easy as possible.

Here are some useful links that will help you to do your research to answer these questions.

Job sites: (for unskilled and part time work, also for accommodation) (Always good to have a strong Linked in Profile especially for your professional career opportunities)

Canada job trend analysis tool:

A really cool feature to find out wage, future forecasts, requirements etc for a certain job in Canada


Designated Learning Institutions

CRS Calculator-Skilled Worker Immigration